Petrobras evaluates the contract with Automind at a level of excellence

The contract started in 2014 included Technical Assistance Services on board the Platforms, and Metrological Management carried out on land for the Measuring Systems of the P50, P52, P53, P54, P55, P62, P74 Platforms and just Metrological Management of the Measuring System of the FPSO-NIT platform.

The objective was to guarantee the integrity of fiscal, appropriation, operational and custody measurement systems, maintaining compliance with the requirements of the Technical Measurement Regulation approved in Joint Resolution ANP/INMETRO No. 01:2013. The services were performed in accordance with the requirements of ABNT NBR ISO 10012:2004 and ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

In order to carry out calibration services for the instruments that make up the measurement system, Automind structured a Calibration Laboratory Accredited by the General Coordination of Accreditation of INMETRO (CGCRE), according to ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 (Brazilian Calibration Network - RBC), able to carry out services in its facilities, in the client's facilities and in mobile installations.

“To carry out the contract, we invested in the development of the team, equipment, standardization of processes and implementation of the Management System, resources that had a direct impact on obtaining the evaluation level of “Excellence” by Petrobras, reaching an average score of 93% for the four years of contract”, informed Carlos França, Business Leader at Automind.

In order to expand the services performed by the laboratory, Automind is obtaining the update and extension of the scope of accreditation for the calibration of instruments for measuring pressure (-97kPa to 100MPa), temperature (-140°C to 1700°C) and dimensional for inspection of orifice plates and straight measurement sections, with linear, roughness, shape, position and orientation measurements on various parts.

One of the investments made during the contract period was the development of a product to support the management team in monitoring and diagnosing the process variables of the measurement systems. The developed product, called AUTOMED is an Integrated Product for Management of Measurement Systems, which has functionalities for monitoring variables of the measurement and process system, generation, diagnosis and sending of production files, management and registration of production data, failure notification of measurement systems measurement, test management of production wells and measurement equipment integrity.

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